Confiance Haïti "Offer a future"

Présidente: Anne Marie Berlier
Secrétaire: Brigitte Ferry
Trésorier: Christian Drouin
Administrateur: Eric de Solère
Administrateur: Xavier Duplantier
CONTACT: contact @confiance-haiti.fr
To help rebuild
Confiance Haïti was founded on April 23, 2010.
It is focused on helping the “displaced”, those who lost everything after the January 2010 earthquake. It’s focus is to help the people of Haiti in reconstruction rather than taking their place.
​Helping in the construction and set-up of a school complex in Canaan and in Santo in partnership with local organizations
Helping with the operation of the school complex: purchasing of school supplies, school furniture, training teachers, paying tuition, and establishing a daily meal program.
Confiance Haïti works in partnership with local businesses, institutions, and foundations that share the same ethical values.