Confiance Haïti "Offer a future"

lever du drapeau école de Santo

école de Santo

école de Santo

lever du drapeau école de Santo
Aid in the construction and operation of a school complex in Canaan and Santo
Confiance Haïti is invested alongside the Haitians. We support them rather than acting in their place.
As a result of our commitment, today more than 35o students are attending school.
OUR GOALS 2019/2020
For the school in Canaan:
The installation of a fountain with potable water and a program to train supervisors how to operate it
Paving the courtyard
Procurement of water for the restrooms
Expansion of the reservoir
The installation of electricity in the buildings and access to the power grid
Installation of gutters surrounding the complex
A daily meal for the children
The installation of a chicken coop for egg laying hens
Training of supervisors and administrators from the network of the French embassy
Growing enrollment for the beginning of the 2019 school year
For the school in Santo:
The installation of a fountain with potable water and a program to train supervisors how to operate it
Supplying the library with folding desks (Deskit d’Augustin)
The installation of electricity by the installation of solar panels
Procurement of water for the restrooms
Installation of a system for collection of rainwater
Training of supervisors and administrators from the network of the French embassy
Planting the grounds of the site
The installation of a chicken coop for egg laying hens
Helping the school become financially independent/self-sustaining (water, moringa, electricity)
Growing enrollment for the beginning of the 2019 school year
Confiance Haïti has more than 250 members

All gifts will be acknowledged with a receipt that permits the donor to deduct the amount of the contribution from taxable income pursuant to article 238 of the general tax code.