Confiance Haïti "Offer a future"

The installation of a fountain with potable water and a program to train supervisors how to operate it
Supplying the library with folding desks (Deskit d’Augustin)
The installation of electricity by the installation of solar panels
Procurement of water for the restrooms
Installation of a system for collection of rainwater
Training of supervisors and administrators from the network of the French embassy
Planting the grounds of the site
The installation of a chicken coop for egg laying hens
Helping the school become financially independent (water, moringa, electricity)
Growing enrollment for the beginning of the 2019 school year
After the first nine years at the school in Canaan, the children continue their studies at the school in Santo.
The school was built on a 12,000 m2 piece of land that is completely enclosed.
The school is comprised of five classrooms, a library, a courtyard, a room for the teachers, and restrooms.
Construction was completed in June of 2017, and in September 2017, the school opened its doors and welcomed 150 students
The school furniture is rented, awaiting purchase by a Haitian foundation.
On the same land, the Haitians have built three buildings designed to house professional training, sewing, cooking, and computing.
The land is particularly well suited to growing vegetation. An arbored landscape is conceivable. An additional reserve of property could allow for the future development of an agricultural high school.

The construction of the school was realized by the Emergency Architects Foundation and was financed entirely by Confiance Haïti.
The school furniture was provided by the Haitian Foundation for Rebuilding and Development.